IKObase 460P60 EU 12 m
Waterproofing membrane composed of plastomer (APP) bitumen and a polyester inlay. The upper surface is finished with sand and the lower surface is protected by naked polyester fleece.
Installation: mechanically fastened.
Roofing system
- Quick and very easy installation. IKObase is laid freely with mechanical fastening
- Lightweight waterproofing material. The weight of IKObase is about 2.15 kg./m²
- High strength and stability for reliable mechanical installation and excellent mechanical properties for applications, where increased tear and elongation forces are present
- The resulting waterproofing system offers complete vapor diffusion
- The first layer of IKObase is an ideal base for torch welding the finishing layer, achieving a perfect and solid solder between the two bitumen membranes. The result is a thick, homogeneous and extremely durable waterproofing layer.
- The material waste during application is lowered due to the narrower overlaps of IKObase. This membrane is laid with overlaps with a width of as low as only 5 cm
- Reduced costs due to lack of gas use for the torch welding and the safety measures in this regard
- The use of bitumen primer is not necessary
- No specialized labor is needed for the installation of the membrane
Waterproofing system for foundations
- Specially designed for mechanical fastening and creation of an ideal base for torch-welding of subsequent layers
- Lightweight for handling and vertical mounting - 2,15 kg/m².
- IKObase is freely applied with mechanical fastening
- The reinforced polyester coating on the lower surface of IKObase provides:
- Protection of the membrane on the side on which it rests towards the gunite concrete, the surface of which can be rough
- High strength and stability for reliable mechanical installation and excellent mechanical properties for applications, where increased tear and elongation forces are present
- Significant stability to stretch and pressure forces during the pouring of the concrete of the foundation walls
- Fast and easy installation
- The use of bitumen primer is not necessary
- The use of specialized labor is avoided
- Perfect and solid solder between the two bitumen membranes is achieved, resulting in a thick, homogeneous and extremely resistant waterproofing layer
- The use of gas for torch-welding of IKObase and the safety precautions related to this are avoided
- The material waste during application is lowered due to the narrower overlap of IKObase.
- This membrane is laid with overlaps with a width of as low as only 5 cm
- The mineral protection of the second layer adds additional protection against mechanical damages