Roof engineering Iko Solar

Roof engineering Iko Solar
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Plan phase for the construction of photovoltaic roof

Phase 1

A. Preliminary study of the energy household.

B. Audit of the physical construction features of the building and, more specifically, the roof. Existing roofs will be thoroughly inspected. A roof assessment is an essential component of the audit.

Atab approaches every project from the perspective of a sound, waterproof roof foundation. This is necessary in order to be able to guarantee a solid basis for your investment.

Phase 2

You will receive a complete file with specifications, layout plan and output calculations. The Atab roof engineering team will supervise the project and manage the file. Atab carries the full responsibility for every product, and thereby for the complete roofing system. All the elements that make up the roofing system are seamlessly integrated, and you will only need a single contact person for the entire roofing package.

Phase 3

A. Guarantee for the installation of the roof waterproofing system. It is always essential to consult a roof specialist when carrying out work on the roof. The installation is carried out by authorised roofers. The roof expert is the one person who has an overview of the complexity of the waterproofing and the installation of the insulation, and his expertise will minimise the risk of damaging the roof. The site follow-up and site inspections offer additional security.

Atab provides a 10-year guarantee on the design, product and installation according to the AXA Int. Policy. Polygum roofing membranes boast more than 30 years of tried and tested durability.

B. Guarantee on the installation of the solar modules. The gluing and sealing of the modules will only be carried out by trained and authorised roofers. The cable troughs are glued onto the top layer, i.e., no roof penetrations are required here either.

Atab grants a 20-year guarantee on the bonding between IKO Reflect and IKO Solar.

Phase 4

Acceptance and commissioning of the energy roof. Finally, a specialised electrical fitter will make the necessary connections and put the system into operation.

Atab guarantees that the system will still yield a minimum of 80% of the rated output after 20 years of service.

Phase 5

Maintenance contract. A maintenance clause is signed when the contract is concluded. The certified roofer will check the roof annually and will keep the PV installation clean.

Yield over 25 years Iko Solar